How To Protect Your Business From Trademark Infringement?

Why should I hire a trademark attorney in Australia? Good question! Well, for starters, applying for a trademark with IP Australia may seem like a fairly easy process at the outset. However, one single error can have your application rejected straightaway. Plus, not to forget, any changes and rectifications with your trademark application form isContinue reading “How To Protect Your Business From Trademark Infringement?”

Things To Know Before You Apply For Trademarking In Australia

Trademark- Grant, Validity, and Removal When looking to apply for a trademark in Australia, it bears a strong relation to the goods and services that one chooses to apply for. This, however, doesn’t mean every goods and service will qualify for a trademark. Typically, it has to do with the number of categories you qualify for– moreContinue reading “Things To Know Before You Apply For Trademarking In Australia”

10 Fun Adventure Outdoor Activities For Kids With Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder or simply Autism is one such neurodevelopmental disorder that affects at least 1 out of 150 children in Australia. Reportedly, boys, compared to girls, are more likely (about four times) to be affected by this condition. As a parent or caregiver to an autistic child, it is important that you subject themContinue reading “10 Fun Adventure Outdoor Activities For Kids With Autism”

What a Neurotypical Teen Sees; What an Autistic Teen Wants Them to See

This post was created with the help of my 17 year old son Ryan, who is autistic. Thank you Ryan for offering your insight as you continue to take on a world that you struggle to understand and that struggles to understand you day in and day out with such courage. There are a numberContinue reading “What a Neurotypical Teen Sees; What an Autistic Teen Wants Them to See”

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