Trademark Squatting: Is This Relevant To Your Business’s International Growth?

Trademark squatting, or bad faith Trademark filing, is essentially when a third-party files and registers a Trademark merely to sell it for a profit later to someone who actually needs it and/or wants to use it. The original applicant then faces enormous challenges in registering in that country since the squatting party controls the intellectualContinue reading “Trademark Squatting: Is This Relevant To Your Business’s International Growth?”

How To Trademark And Copyright Your Website’s Name & Logo

Believe it or not, thousands of website designs are being randomly copied and used by similar businesses every day. As such, it puts the original business in great jeopardy as it mar’s their essence and individuality. This is where website copyright infringement comes into the picture and in the hands of functional trademarking lawyers, your intellectualContinue reading “How To Trademark And Copyright Your Website’s Name & Logo”

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